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Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Cigarette Smoking Pro and Con

This article will explain the pros and cons of cigarette smoking. There are both good and bad things that come with smoking. Not everything is bad with smoking.
Most smokers know that smoking is bad for your health, but people tend to forget that smoking has some positive sides as well. Lets take a look at the cigarette smoking pros and cons. First the Pro:
• Most cigarette smokers feel they have a strong bonding with other smokers. It is easy to get together and talk while you smoke.
• Smoking gives the smoker a sense of gratification.
• The nicotine in the cigarette gives the smoker a good relaxing feeling. This has proven to be very good against stress.
• Holding the cigarette gives the smoker a feel of comfort and keeps the mind busy.

Now to the Con and They are a Lot More:
• Smoking leaves a really bad smell in your clothes, car, hair, mouth and in your home.
• Your lunges will slowly get worse and your condition will follow
• Most smokers tend to get an annoying cough during day and night
• The nicotine can make you feel sick or dizzy if you get too much or too little
• You will slowly get a yellow tone on your skin, fingernails and teeth
• You will run out of energy faster and your motivation will go down
• You might loose the sense of smell and taste (partly or totally)
• Your cigarette can start a fire if you fall asleep or forget it somewhere
• You are costing yourself a fortune just to keep smoking every day
• In worse case you might end up with cancer and die from long-term smoking

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